APRA Prospect Development

DonorSearch has been a proud Apra partner for over 15 years and continues to proudly serve prospect researchers in the nonprofit space.

DonorSearch is a leading provider of prospect research to nonprofits of all types.

Prospect development professionals depend on our team of industry leaders and cutting-edge technology for accurate results.

Sabrina Latham, Director of Prospect Research, University of Alabama at Birmingham: “DonorSearch is really leading the face of the industry right now in terms of results and customer service!”

We don’t cut corners. Our proprietary algorithm and datasets provide your organization with actionable data with an accuracy rate of 90-100%. The highest in the industry!

DonorSearch is trusted by thousands of prospect researchers. 

Emily Marcason-Tolmie, Director of Prospect Research Management and Analytics, Skidmore College: “At Skidmore, we’ve ended a seven year campaign, which ended above our goal at nearly $230 million. But I think that that last year, because we had DonorSearch, we were able to end it breaking our goal!”

Deb Dressely, Senior Prospect Research Associate, Children’s Minnesota Foundation: “The results that we’ve seen speak for themselves and they are higher than anything we’ve experienced in the past. I would say that means that Ai is on target.”

DonorSearch uses real Ai with the largest data set in the nonprofit tech industry and the most integrations. 

Bill TeDesco, Founder & CO, DonorSearch: “You’re used to coming to DonorSearch for innovation. We’ve done it repeatedly. It’s kind of the hallmark of who we are. We are innovating again with AI. We are leading the way with AI.”

Brittanie Kuhr, Executive Director of Institutional Advancement, Defiance College: “I am confident that the information that DonorSearch has provided to us, we will now be asking for the right gift.”

Jon Biedermann, President & CEO, Simply Fundraising CRM: “You’ll also find what we’ve always called hidden gold!”

Roland Palmer, Director of Engagement and Operations, Champlain College: “When it comes to the end of the day and you make an investment, you want to see that return on investment and we have seen it over and over again with DonorSearch!”

Matthew Cool, Executive Director, Blue 13 Dance Company: “We’ve made our money back within the first couple of months!

Jon Biedermann, President & CEO, Simply Fundraising CRM: “I know countless situations where there was just one gift – one gift!—that more than paid for five years worth of DonorSearch services.”

Carol Hollatz, Senior Director of Annual Fund and Membership, The Smith Center for the Performing Arts: “The initial emal that we sent out paid for DonorSearch the first year! And because they are monthly donors, they are going to continue to pay that first, second, and third year. One email. That’s pretty spectacular.”

Sarah Richards, Research Analyst, Dynamic Catholic: “At DonorSearch, you’re not just purchasing a product. You’re actually choosing a partner to help in your fundraising journey.”

Katie Dean, Senior Director of Development Operations, Didi Hirsch Mental Health Services: The company really does believe in fundraising and nonprofits and wants these missions to be achieved. It’s not just your average research tool.”

April Witkowski, Senior Director of Development Services, Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh Foundation: “The customer service at DonorSearch is the best I’ve had with a vendor.”

Sabrina Latham, Director of Prospect Research, University of Alabama at Birmingham: “They are going above and beyond every time I talk to them ad you can’t beat that in terms of services in additional to the results that you get from just using the tool!”

With DonorSearch, navigate to your best prospects faster and with more accuracy.

Your mission is dynamic and forward-thinking. Your donor intelligence should be, too. 

Additional Resources

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Client success story with profile picture of Sabrina Latham

University of Alabama at Birmingham Success Story

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