Rethinking Fundraising Principles: Success Will Be Driven By What We Elicit Not How We Solicit

Jim Langley, President of Langley Solutions, will lay out what he believes will be the most important philanthropic precepts and practices in the years ahead, many of which are the inverse of the assumptions that have underpinned fundraising for decades. In his presentation he will speak to why the elevator interview is far more effective than the elevator pitch, why a simple draft concept paper is better than a glossy brochure, and why a stewardship interview is the best way of strengthening philanthropic partnerships. Langley will show how these approaches stand the best chance of rebuilding trust, rebuilding depleted donor communities, and raising the sights of the most discerning philanthropists

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Microphone in the background with a profile picture of Tim Burcham

Perfect Casting: How Musical Theater Led to Leadership in Higher Edu Fundraising

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Video camera in the background with a profile picture of Jim Langley

What Philanthropic Leaders Will Be Called Increasingly to Do: Absorb Chaos, Project Calm, Give Hope

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Collision of Learning and Technology in Philanthropy

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